You’ve done it gain. You looked at pornography on the Internet knowing it’s wrong, but excused and justified your actions to assuage the guilt. You may have asked God to take away the problem and the desire. At times you make some progress, but the behavior keeps happening. God knows the bondage you are in,Read More
Are We Powerless Over Sexual Sin?
This is an extremely important question. A sound biblical answer is needed if someone wants a foundation for total freedom from sexual sin. Before presenting a biblical view, lets look at the concept of powerlessness within the recovery community. For the sex and love addict, recovery requires that they come to the point of believing,Read More
Be Spiritually Real Vs. Being in Recovery
I find it very disturbing how prone we are to becoming absorbed in our own spiritual selves. While it may look and sound spiritual, what often passes as spirituality is the expression of our disordered hearts. Every since Genesis, all sin is about getting what we want for ourselves. You see this expressed in ourRead More
Masturbation: It’s a Form of False Intimacy
The Bible doesn’t specifically prohibit masturbation. So is it wrong? Is it a form of false intimacy and therefore a sin? Without a biblical prohibition, many Christians, including some counselors, teachers, and writers have sanctioned the behavior assuming that the practice is not sinful. They see it as neither right nor wrong, but simply permissibleRead More
Is It Sexual Addiction or Is It Sexual Sin?
An article in Christianity Today, “Help for the Sexually Desperate,” states: Is sexual addiction a disease or simply immoral behavior? Clinical psychologist Bob Hughes speaks for many Christian therapists when he says sex addiction is both a sinful choice and a biological disease. Dr. Harry Schaumburg, with twenty nine years of experience in helping restoreRead More
Is It Sexual Addiction or Is It Sexual Sin?
For more than eight years the evangelical church has been forced into an unwilling awareness that there is sexual sin in our midst. There is an increasing volume of books, articles, and seminars. New ministries and more counselors are jumping on the opportunity to sell a book, build a practice or establish a thriving ministry.
The Arrogance of Sexual Sin
A sermon preached by Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg at New Life Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, VA.
Understanding & Responding to Sexual Sin
A sermon preached by Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg at First Baptist Church in Black Forest, Colorado.
A Common Problem
The Husband’s Story My wife and I have been married for fifteen years. I am on staff at a local church. We are a Christian family; we love our three children, and my wife home schools. About a year and a half ago my wife discovered my Internet pornography problem. It devastated her, but inRead More
Masturbation: A Form of False Intimacy
by Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg There is no biblical prohibition that refers specifically to masturbation, and because of that fact there are a number of Christian leaders who endorse the practice. They assume that the practice is morally neutral, neither right nor wrong, but simply allowed when better forms of sex are not available. ItRead More