Masturbation: A Form of False Intimacy

by Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg There is no biblical prohibition that refers specifically to masturbation, and because of that fact there are a number of Christian leaders who endorse the practice. They assume that the practice is morally neutral, neither right nor wrong, but simply allowed when better forms of sex are not available. ItRead More

Sexual Sin: A Plague Among Us

Someone you know has a hidden problem. Perhaps it is your spouse or family member. What you do not know is their secret life of sexual sin. If you know about their struggle with pornography or the secret affair, what you don’t see is the hidden depths of their heart. What is on the insideRead More

A Willing Spirit

by Rosemary Schaumburg “Cramped is the dwelling of my soul; do Thou expand it, that Thou mayest enter in. It is in ruins, restore Thou it.” –Confessions of St. Augustine “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take notRead More

Being Spiritually Real Or, What Does It Mean to Surrender?

by Harry W. Schaumburg I believe many people live the “Christian life” without being spiritually real. Let me explain what I mean. Many Christians have adopted a lifestyle that follows a form of spirituality that seems right to them. The question we must ask is this: Is our Christian life a reality truly shaped byRead More

Oh, What Joy That Fills My Soul

by Harry Schaumburg No one can ever forget the sheer joy of the Christmas mornings of their childhood. Although my parents hoped we would sleep in, my brother and I were wide awake and ready to go at least by 4 AM. The excitement and anticipation must have produced an adrenaline rush only possible inRead More

Is Everything Okay?

By Harry Schaumburg When approached with the question, “Is everything okay?” or “Are you okay?” here is my answer: don’t ask! Very candidly, I can’t stand that question! Is this because I am having a bad day? Perhaps. More likely I am just facing another day in which something is wrong with everything. My backRead More

The Sexually Addicted Minister:

Someone you know has a hidden problem. He may be on your staff, a pastor in the same town, a wife of a friend, a district leader, an evangelist, or a returning missionary. Perhaps it is your spouse or family member. You know them on a first-name basis, and you know their spiritual gifts. WhatRead More

The Insanity of Sexual Sin

by Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg It’s a fair question: How could David, described as a man after God’s own heart, commit adultery, get the woman pregnant and attempt to cover his sin with murder? Have you ever asked the same question about your spouse, a friend, or even yourself? I assume that anyone in theRead More