Many caught living in secret sexual sin have sat in my office in tears.
Category: Sexual Sin
Betrayed in Love
Sexual sin can quickly become a nightmare. John started looking at pornography when he was nine years old. Along with masturbation, that habit continued through seminary and into his marriage to Joyce. By the time he was pastoring, he was sexting and sex chatting online. When asked if he wanted sex with a sixteen-year old…
Can You Repent Without Changing?
For more than 25 years, I have counseled Christian men and women who have lived in bondage to sexual sin. I’ve met with people who have hired prostitutes, had affairs, were addicted to pornography, lied, and blamed a spouse for their problems. I’ve listened while they described financial loss, job loss, sleep loss, and familial loss, all due to sexual sin.
Are We Powerless Over Sexual Sin?
This is an extremely important question. A sound biblical answer is needed if someone wants a foundation for total freedom from sexual sin. Before presenting a biblical view, lets look at the concept of powerlessness within the recovery community. For the sex and love addict, recovery requires that they come to the point of believing,…
Is It Sexual Addiction or Is It Sexual Sin?
An article in Christianity Today, “Help for the Sexually Desperate,” states: Is sexual addiction a disease or simply immoral behavior? Clinical psychologist Bob Hughes speaks for many Christian therapists when he says sex addiction is both a sinful choice and a biological disease. Dr. Harry Schaumburg, with twenty nine years of experience in helping restore…