“Grotesque schizophrenia” – That famous comment on American churches of the 1940’s came from Sayid Qt’b, a leading Muslim radical and one of Osama bin Laden’s favorite writers. He was not describing today’s churches, but the “white picket fence” congregations that he saw in Colorado long before the seismic sixties had left their mark. Twenty years later, Theodore Roszak described the Californian churches similarly as “privately engaging but publicly irrelevant,” a historian’s rendering of the schizophrenia the devout Muslim scorned, and which social scientists had long called the “privatization” of religion in the modern Western world.
Category: The Insanity of Sexual Sin
The Insanity of Sexual Sin
by Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg It’s a fair question: How could David, described as a man after God’s own heart, commit adultery, get the woman pregnant and attempt to cover his sin with murder? Have you ever asked the same question about your spouse, a friend, or even yourself? I assume that anyone in the…